Monday, March 16, 2015

Three Mercer Speakers Qualify for National Tournament in Dallas, TX

The Mercer Speech Team travelled to the National Speech and Debate Association Pittsburgh National Qualifying Tournament on Saturday, March 14th. Here are the results:

Ryan Hamilton and Adam Hoge- 2nd place in Duo Interpretation
Janalyn Miklas- 3rd place in Dramatic Interpretation
Ian Ollila- 3rd place in Humorous Interpretation
Mary Hogue- 4th place in United States Extemporaneous Speaking
Emily Kirila- 4th place in Original Oratory
Elizabeth Ludwig- 6th place in Original Oratory
Madeline Rowe- 6th place in Dramatic Interpretation

As a result of their performances Ryan Hamilton, Adam Hoge, and Janalyn Miklas all qualified for the National Speech and Debate Association Tournament in Dallas, TX from June 14th-19th. Ian Ollila was selected as an alternate to the event. Congratulations to all competitors.

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