Monday, March 9, 2015

Mercer Speakers Moving Forward to National Tournament

On Saturday, March 7th the Mercer Speech Team traveled to Gannon University to compete in the Catholic Forensic League National Qualifier tournament.

The following students qualified for the 63th Grand National Tournament that is scheduled for Memorial Day weekend in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida:
Rachel Bish- 1st place in Declamation
Janalyn Miklas- 1st place in Dramatic Interpretation
Ryan Hamilton and Adam Hoge- 2nd place in Duo Interpretation
Madeline Rowe- 2nd place in Poetry and Prose Interpretation
Mary Hogue- 2nd place in Current Events
Emily Kirila- 3rd place in Original Oratory
Ian Ollila- 3rd place in Dramatic Interpretation

The following students were named as alternates for the 63rd Grand National Tournament:
Mason Borowicz- Declamation
Elizabeth Ludwig- Original Oratory
Kendra Walker- Dramatic Interpretation

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