Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Members of the 2015 Mercer Girls' Track and Field Team

The following student atheletes are members of the 2015 Mercer Girls' Track and Field Team:
Rachel Bish, Hannah Bowersox, Katie Brest, Jaime Burdette, Kaitlin Conner, Adelyn Cook, Autumn Coryea, Alexandria Denny, Sarah Evans, Paige Gressly, Tara Hinkson, Alisa Hoffman, Megan Matscherz, Megan Parker, Kayley Patterson, Madeline Rowe, Alexa Stanton, Kate Timashenka, Courtney Young, Emily Young, Nicole Young. 

Best of luck to the Mercer Girls' Track and Field Team for this upcoming season.

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