Monday, March 2, 2015

Members of Speech Team Qualify for PHSSL State Tournament

The Mercer Speech Team travelled to Pine Richland on Saturday, February 28th to compete in the Pennsylvania High School Speech League (PHSSL) qualifier tournament. The following students will be moving forward to compete at the PHSSL State Tournament at Susquehanna University on March 20th and 21st.

Rachel Bish- 1st place in informative speaking
Ryan Hamilton and Adam Hoge- 1st place in duo interpretation
Janalyn Miklas- 1st place in dramatic interpretation
Ian Ollila- 1st place in humorous interpretation
Andrew Brinker- 2nd place in humorous interpretation
Mary Hogue- 2nd place in extemporaneous speaking
Sarah Turton- 2nd place in poetry interpretation
Madeline Rowe- 2nd place in prose interpretation
Kendra Walker- 2nd place in dramatic interpretation

The following students were recognized as alternates to the PHSSL State Tournament
Elizabeth Ludwig- persuasive speaking
Grayson Covert- poetry interpretation
Evan Daugherty- commentary

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