Sunday, February 8, 2015

Speech Team Competes at 3rd Annual Knoch High School Invitational

On February 7th, the Speech Team traveled to compete in the 3rd Annual Knoch High School Invitational. Mercer competed against 24 different schools and over 225 speakers. Overall, the team earned 4th place honors, but it should be noted that there were three tournament categories in which the Mercer Speech Team does not compete. Here are the results:

Dramatic Interpretations:
1st- Janalyn Miklas
3rd- Maddie Rowe

1st- Mary Hogue
7th- Rose Gigliotti 

Originaal Oratory:
5th- Emily Kirila
6th- Rachel Bish

Duo Interpretation:
6th- Abby Grabigel and Hailee Ostapko


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