Monday, September 21, 2015

After-School Homework Club Begins September 29th

The Homework Club will begin meeting on Tuesday, September 29th from 3:20-4:15 p.m. This program will be available to provide assistance to 7th, 8th, and 9th grade students. The Homework Club will meet every Tuesday and Thursday. Unless otherwise noted, the organization will meet in the Middle-High School Library.

The Homework Club provides a structured time and setting for students to complete assignments and/or receive academic assistance. The program will be facilitated each day by Ms. Erica Taylor, an AmeriCorps member who is on staff this year to provide service to our students. Senior National Honor Society members, college students, and/or other staff members will also serve as tutors throughout the year.

Interested students can pick up a permission form in the Middle-High School Guidance Office.

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