Monday, September 21, 2015

A Twist on Volleyball...Introducing "The Ace Space"

If you visit the Mercer High School gym during a volleyball match, you will see something completely unique. Behind the scoring table, in the above balcony, is home to "The Ace Space".
If you have ever tuned into a professional baseball game or visited PNC Park, by the left field rotunda, you will see an individual keep track of strikeouts by flipping over a yellow "K" to symbolize a single strikeout thrown by the home team pitcher.
If you ever seen a volleyball match, one of the statistics that can be measured is called an Ace. It is defined as "a serve which lands in the opponents court without being touched, or is touched, but unable to kept in play by one or more receiving team players". When the Mercer Lady M's score an Ace, a volt-green poster with a large "A" is hung in the balcony. As the match continues and the aces are earned by the Lady M's, more "A"s are hung in "The Ace Space".


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