Thursday, December 3, 2015

Update from the Art Department

There are some new and exciting things that are happening in the Mercer Middle-High School Art Deparment and Ms. Stephanie Martin wanted to pass along the following information.

The Art Club, in conjunction with the French Club and Photography Club, will be travelling to New York City on June 9-12, 2016. There will be many fundraisers between now and then to help defer the cost of the trip to the students.

The Art Club, in conjunction with the French Club and Photography Club, will be travelling to the Cleveland Museum of Art on December 17th to see Claude Monet's Water Lillies. This is the first time in over 30 years that all three pieces of the Water Lillies have been in the same location at the same time. 

Equus, an art and literary publication, will have a winter edition that will be created in January. Students of Mercer Middle-High School can submit photography, poetry, short stories, and art.

Please check back in the coming days to see photographs of art pieces that have been created this year by Mercer students.

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