Monday, January 5, 2015

Speech Team Wins 1st Annual Sterner Steel City Invitational

On Saturday, December 20th the Mercer High School Speech Team won its second consecutive team sweepstakes award. There were more than 175 student participants during this event from various schools in western Pennsylvania. Here is a quick look at the award winners from Mercer High School.

Dramatic Interpretation:
1st- Janalyn Miklas
2nd- Kendra Walker
5th- Kate Shaffer

Humorous Interpretation:
1st- Ian Ollila
6th- Andrew Brinker

Duo Interpretation:
1st- Adam Hoge and Ryan Hamilton
4th- Abby Grabigel and Hailee Ostapko

Original Oratory:
2nd- Emily Kirila
4th- Elizabeth Ludwig
6th- Rachel Bish

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