Sunday, May 21, 2017

Mercer County Middle School 
Track & Field Meet Placewinners 

Congratulations to the following students 
for earning medals at this Mercer County 
Middle School Track & Field Meet 
on May 2nd @ Greenville High School: 

Merrick Morneweck 
1st High Jump (Middle School Record)
1st Place in 100m Hurdles
2nd Place in 300m Hurdles

Peyton Miller 
1st Place in Pole Vault (Middle School Record)
4th Place in Triple Jump
8th Place in 400m Dash

Sam Ellison
4th Place in Pole Vault (Middle School Record)
8th Place in Triple Jump

Ross Hesselgesser 
1st Place in Pole Vault
6th Place in 110m Hurdles
8th Place in Long Jump

Tristan Spangler 
3rd Place in High Jump
6th Place in Triple Jump
7th Place in Long Jump 

Kayla Mathias
3rd Place in Discus 
8th Place in Shot Put

Julia Balaski
4th Place in 300m Hurdles
4th Place in Triple Jump

Max Graul
4th Place in Discus

Liam Mount
4th Place in 400m Dash

Kiley Kennis
4th Place in High Jump

Anthony Kirby
5th Place in Pole Vault

Greg Flockerzi 
5th Place in 300m Hurdles
7th Place in High Jump 

Jacob Smith
8th Place in 110m Hurdles

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