Sunday, February 19, 2017

Congratulations to the following students 
that placed at this past weekend's 
West Allegheny Speech Tournament:
Rachel Bish
1st Place in Original Oratory - Informative

Mary Hogue
1st Place in Extemporaneous Speaking

Sarah Turton
1st Place in Prose Interpretation

Cole McDuffie
2nd Place in Original Oratory - Persuasive

Elizabeth Ludwig
3rd Place in Original Oratory - Persuasive

Rose Gigliotti
3rd Place in Commentary

Maddie Rowe
3rd Place in Dramatic Interpretation

Andrew Brinker
3rd Place in Humorous Interpretation

Alexandria & Maddie Laughlin
3rd Place in Duo Interpretation

Mason Borowicz
4th Place in Humorous Interpretation

Mackenzie Meyer & Michaela Johnson
5th Place in Duo Interpretation

Evan Daugherty
6th Place in Prose Interpretation

Christopher Wilms
6th Place in Poetry Interpretation

 The Speech team will travel
to the PHSSL District 1 Qualifier
@ Pine Richland High School 
this Saturday (February 25th).

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