Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Two Mercer Teachers Selected for HOPE Award -- May 2016

Ms. Stephanie Martin and Mr. Doug Schmid have been selected as the winner of the HOPE (Honoring Outstanding Professional Educators) Award for the month of May.

Students of Mercer Middle-High School have the opportunity to nominate any teacher, coach, advisor, or staff member that has positively impacted their lives.

Mercer junior Alex VanWoert nominated Mr. Schmid with the following nomination:

"The word professional takes on a new meaning for Mr. Schmid. He takes his career choice seriously, devoting himself to teaching students willing to learn. I had Mr. Schmid as a teacher and a coach. A foundation was built for my ability to perform mathematics and working with others as a team to achieve a common goal. Mr. Schmid takes the time to better every student that walks through the threshold of his classroom, not just me. There are some teachers that most students, myself included, will quickly forget about to struggle to remember their name, but I can confidently say that no one will forget how Mr. Schmid has made an impact on their lives. Another student and I have agreed that he has made learning easier and more enjoyable. I have classmates that do not appreciate him now. I know as well as Mr. Schmid does, that they will understand one day and realize that he helped shape who they are today and who they will be tomorrow in a positive way."

Mercer senior Ryan Hamilton nominated Ms. Martin with the following nomination:
"Miss Martin is undoubtedly one of the best educators and mentors that I have had throughout my life. Even as a new teacher, she commanded respect while bringing a new sense of vibrancy to the art room. She has such an expansive knowledge of art and truly brings her students to a new level in their artwork. Under her instruction students are challenged to bring their best to the table. I have been inspired by her dedication to her craft, and I hope that I can one day be as integral in the workplace as she is in the art room. Her future as an educator is a bright one here at Mercer High School."

Congratulations to Mr. Schmid and Ms. Martin and thank you for all of the work that you do for the students at Mercer Middle-High School.

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